July 30th, 2022 saw the very first ‘Young Jesters’ squash event, which was hosted at The Queen’s Club. The idea behind this came about at this year’s Jock Burnet Dinner, where a couple of us realised that the younger demographic was somewhat in the minority. We wanted to run some events to increase participation from the younger cohort of the Jesters membership base, and hopefully attract some new players in the process. 

Andrew Lindsay set up a very impressive spreadsheet (which was nearly broken straightaway by someone who shall remain unidentified), making 6 teams of 5 put into a round robin group stage, followed by a playoff for final positions. This meant everyone got at least 3 games of squash, each one up to 15.

After a couple of hours and lots of close games, the results were in. By sheer coincidence, Team David (which just so happened to be Andrew’s team) ‘somehow’ came out on top, beating Team Ramy in the final. 

Thank you to all the players who came along for the event, lots of which were new to Jesters or candidates. A big thank you to Paul Lubbock, who stepped in twice, representing both the winning team and runner up in the final!

Thanks go to those who organised (Andrew Lindsay, Owen Riddall, Isaac Freckleton, Charlie McLean, Laura Neill). Thank you to Queen’s and its staff for hosting us. Finally, thank you to the Jesters Committee for being so supportive of this initiative – we are very grateful for their support.

We hope to run more Young Jesters events going forward, including some smaller, more informal matches. If you are interested in joining or organising an event, or know someone who might be, please contact Owen Riddall, Andrew Lindsay, or Laura Neill.